Boarding Division

Our experienced and professional staff are dedicated to providing quality care. All of our staff have worked with us for years. Horses are boarded in their own individual stalls where they are fed high quality custom feed and alfalfa hay and enjoy being turned out into beautiful bluegrass pastures. Keith Crupper and his wife, Lisa, and Allen Crupper and his wife, Kim, reside on the farm. So, your horses are never left alone. We have two full time veterinarians, Dr. Zachary Logan and Dr. Walker Logan on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that live less than 10 minutes away. They are qualified to address all of our veterinarian needs. However, if an emergency arises that can't be taken care of on the farm, we are only 7 miles from the nearest equine hospital and only 20 minutes from two other world renowned equine medical centers.

From start to finish, Keith is available to help assist you with all aspects of getting your mare to produce a live foal. Beginning with helping you to determine a suitable stallion for your mare, with regard to sire lines, conformation and the best value for your money. Keith and Dr. Logan meet each morning at 7:00 am to palp mares to insure that the optimal breeding time is met. Once the time is assessed, the breeding shed run is scheduled with the booking department of the farm where the stallion stands. Then, a member of the Whispering Oaks staff delivers the mare to the stallion's farm, oversees the breeding and returns the mare to our farm.

Mares are monitored 24 hours a day by experienced and well qualified handlers. Foaling mares are turned out during the day to paddocks enclosed by four-board fencing and equipped with automatic waterers. When brought in at night, they are watched by a dedicated night watch attendant. Once the foal is born, Dr. Logan examines the foal to insure a clean bill of health. For the next few days, the mare and foal are given their own paddock to enjoy their special bonding time during the day and back to their comfy stall at night.