About Us

Whispering Oaks Farm LLC is owned and operated by brothers, Keith Crupper and Allen Crupper. As luck would have it, the etymology of crupper is "a leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward; 2) The rump of a horse . . .!" So, apparently, irony has its fate.
The Cruppers grew up on a horse farm in Georgetown, Kentucky where their parents were both self-employed and taught their children the importance of honesty, integrity and hard work. Growing up on the farm, the brothers fell in love with their horses and it became their life long dream to run their own thoroughbred operation.
Keith Crupper became hooked on race-horses at a young age while enjoying family trips to Keeneland to watch their horses run. He would often visit his "papaw" who worked in the paddock and donned the distinctive Keeneland jacket. He furthered his interest in the pedigrees of thoroughbreds when he asked for his own subscription to The Bloodhorse Magazine. He has since turned a childhood interest into a strong knowledge of the thoroughbred business.

Allen Crupper became interested in the conformation of horses at a very young age when he was given a quarter horse. That lead to him showing reining horses, which he still enjoys to this day. Allen's interest in horse conformations lead him to have a keen eye for picking racing prospects, which turned into his specialty as a thoroughbred trainer.